Flow chart of Website

Saturday, 20 August 2011

This is the welcome page that we have, the box that in the middle is to put Gua Tempurung picture by using Flash. The idea is the picture will going more deep and deep until a dark screen then will jump to our “HOME” page.

This is the “HOME” page that from our group idea. Every web page will have our group logo and with the topic of “Gua Tempurung”. Besides that, left hand site will have all our links, that is “HOME”, “ABOUT US”, “GETTING THERE”, “WHERE TO STAY” and “OTHERS”. The right hand site will be all the information about history of Gua Tempurung.

This the web page “ABOUT US”. Here will all our pictures and name.
GETTING THERE” will have all the information about how to go Gua Tempurung.
WHERE TO STAY” will have all the information about the hotel that near Gua Tempurung. Beside that will all the details of the hostel like price, facilities, distance between hotel and Gua Tempurung, and etc.
 OTHERS” include all the tips like “caving rules”, “activities” and “equipment need”.


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