The tools of create website

Tuesday, 6 September 2011


 First, this is our welcome page and we use Flash and Dreamweaver to create it. The Gua Tempurung advertising we use Flash and put in Dreamweaver page.
This is our home website. All the fonts colour we use black and the background use black colour. All ourselves pictures we use Photoshop to edit it. Then we use Dreamweaver to link all the website. Besides, we use Flash to do the word "WELCOME" make it more creativity.
We use this links to find out the information of Activity In Gua Tempurung, Caving Rules, History of Gua Tempurung, The way to Gua Tempurung, Longest caves of Peninsular Malaysia.
Then, we use "Photoshop" to edit our group members pictures. The title"GROUP D" we use red colour and others name and ID we use mediumspringgreen.
Here, we use Photoshop to create this part. All the word colour we use white because the background is black colour make it clearly.
After that, we use Dreamweaver software to create this part. All the colour we use purple and the picture we use Photoshop to edit it.
Now in this accomodation part, we use "Photoshop" software to type it and the title colour we put purple. Then others sentences we put mediumspringgreen colour. For the pictures below, we use Photoshop motion blur to edit it.
This 3 reference links are to find out the information of Hotels near Gua Tempurung and the details with the price, facilities, distance between the hotel and Gua Tempurung and etc.
we use this link to find some information for the hotel nearest Gua Tempurung and the detail of the hotel. and we take some picture from the website.

Again in this Activity part, we use "Photoshop" software also to type it and the title colour we put white and purple. Then others sentences we put mediumspringgreen colour. For the two pictures below, we use Photoshop motion blur to edit it.
 In caving rule, we use "Dreamweaver" to create it. The title we use red colour and others sentences use the darkorange. 
In this part, we use "Dreamweaver" software to write the word. The title we use aqua colour and others use darkorange. Then we put the picture on the left hand side use "Photoshop" edit and then put in Dreamweaver combine together.
 After that, for the FAQ part we use "Dreamweaver" to edit the word. The title we use orange colour and others use blue colour. We put the picture on the right hand side use "Photoshop" also.
This link we take to find the information of FAQ of caving. At this page, visitor can check and see all the favaourite question ask by visitor and included answer.
Then we use "flash" software to edit and combine all the Gua Tempurung pictures.
we use to search many picture from Gua Tempurung. and put in Flash to create some slide show effect.
 Finally we use the hyperlink to link all the websites that we use to do this website.
We use to learn some basic of Dreamweaver - HTML. This website is useful for us to do refer.